Tag Archives: maddening

Excuses, excuses

Just when I thought I was ready to show some disciplined blogging, I neglect them again. Starting two blogs was asking for trouble. I will write yet another entry here that apparently forces me to follow up quickly, and see if it works now.

The only real explanation is a lack of aforementioned discipline, but instead I will indulge in a range of excuses. This is after all an election year, and soon, thankfully, we will be put out of our misery and a vote will take place. Anything to put an end to months of evasion, excuses, lying and bickering. Norwegian politics never used to be like this, it has clearly learned from more experienced countries – this is not just my opinion, but one based on a rigorous sampling of friends and neighbors. Continue reading

Speak of the devil

No sooner have I mentioned the intention of tackling the hopefully provocative subject of ‘maddening Norway‘ than a perfect example pops up in the media. Much to my surprise and delight, the latest illustration of the theme came over the radio in the form of NRK’s ‘Morgenkåseri’ – a short bit of morning musing by someone who is supposed to deal with a random topic, preferably with insight and wit.

This morning an immigrant, English I believe, but I have not yet tracked down more info about him, filled the slot with part one of his observations about a long life in Norway. His series shows great promise as the first installment Continue reading

Immigrant blues

I have a long list of topics that are perfect for blogging, related to daily life here and how it may strike or irk the non-Norwegian. They are perfect because they allow for free-form red-faced venting. Because life somewhere else can be extremely frustrating and infuriating, no matter how nice the place is. And I’m not saying that just because this is an election year here, and no one can stay calm for long when politicians are making noise all the time.

I also have some problems with trying to add some easy controversy into my blog. You may have noticed that I said above ‘no matter how nice the place is’. I have a very annoying habit Continue reading