Monthly Archives: June 2010

Norway in 30 seconds

Sometimes you see a bit of modern local culture, and you think: that is completely absurd. While at the same time realizing that it also sums up almost everything about where you live, and with a sense of humor to boot. This video clip is such a moment.

These are all the things about Norway this little commercial says to me; Continue reading

Creatures from the deep

It wouldn’t be summer without long, hot days and fishing tales. Of course exaggerated yarns about nearly landed whoppers are familiar fare. To make the news, you should catch a hideous monster accidentally and unexpectedly, and that is precisely what 11-year-old Nathalie Saxegård did.


A dealfish. Ick. (Photo: Sven O Kullander)

The youngster from Fredrikstad was on a fishing trip in scenic Vesterøy in Hvaler, when she spotted something odd in the water, newspaper Fredriksstad Blad’s web site reports. Continue reading